Southeastern Wisconsin Alpine Team Racing
Southeastern Wisconsin Alpine Team Racing

PROGRAM #2 United States Ski Association Programs
The USSS/FIS programs are for the ELITE racer with multiple years of ski racing experience who hold a membership in THE UNITED STATES SKI AND SNOWBOARD ASSOCIATION [USSS]. This program is available for racers wishing to pursue competition on a Regional and National levels and are sponsored by the Central USSS office in this region. Wisconsin racers are in Region II in Central USSS. SWAT will provide a traveling coach for three [3] USSS sanctioned competitions two [2] or three [3] day competition events throughout Wisconsin, Michigan, Miinnesota and Illinois. Athletes in this program have previous racing experience and practice three to four times a week.
Competitions on a Regional and National level involve travel to weekend races. Each racer in the USSS program must have a "Competitor" USSS card to participate, register, pay fees and complete additional forms in the USSS Central Division. Appropriate FEES and APPLICATIONS are available through the USSS web site. SWATeam coaches will provide all training sessions as described in the SWAT CLUB TEAM program PLUS one additional weekly session as determined by the coach.
SWAT is located in Region 2 Central Division of USSS. SWAT athletes in this program will receive approximately 250 hours of training at Alpine Valley Resort and racing during the season. SWAT will provide supervised training and race day supervision at 3 - 4 events (TBA) during the ski season.
How do you decide if your athlete is ready for USSA competitions?
1. Your athlete is SCORING in the top 5 of their class [not just in the top 5 against their team mates] at most competition events.
2. Your athlete is exceeding their potential and is interested in competing at a higher level.
3. You [the parent] are willing to pay the additional fees required by USSS and CUSSS for your child to compete in and travel to and from the USSS events.
4. Talk to your athletes coach!
FYI: USSS races are held in the following states: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois & Upper and Lower Michigan. Your athlete will be competing with athletes from multiple states; Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan & Minnesota who are also finishing in the top 5 in their classes.
USSS - United States Ski Association
For more information on the USSS & FIS programs review the information on the USSS web site: https://usskiandsnowboard.org/