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Instructions to request membership for your athlete[s] in SWATeam Racing

UPDATE for RACE TEAM 2025-26 PROGRAM: MARCH 11, 2025

  • SWATeam RACE PROGRAMS ARE CLOSED to requests for new members for the 2025-26 ski race season.  SWATeam is full.  ONLY athletes who have a ski racing history will be considered if there is room on the team for their age group. 
  • Completing the information on the  "CONTACT US" form will automatically add your athlete(s) name to our 2026-2027 WAITING LIST.  
  • CURRENTLY, we can open new requests for your athletes to be placed on our waiting list for their on-the-snow evaluation, your name will be added to that list.  
  • SWATeam will contact you via the information you entered on the "CONTACT US" form in JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2026 TO SCHEDULE an ON-THE-SNOW SKIING SKILLS EVALUATION for your athlete(s).  
    • Your athlete must have their own ski equipment, renting equipment for the season is acceptable. Having to rent equipment from Alpine Valley for just the evaluation is not acceptable. Ski Racing requires "top of the line" skis and binding brands. 
    • Your athlete should currently be skiing at least three days or more a week. Our programs are three (3) sessions a week.  
    • Make sure you read about our training schedules and MWAR competition schedules.  SWATeam expects a FULL COMMITMENT from athletes to participate in all  the training sessions we offer.  If your athlete is involved in another 'winter' sport, example, basketball, soccer, volleyball, etc., and those schedules interfere with SWATEAM's schedules, your athlete will have to decide which sport they want to dedicate their time to.  
    • Athletes who have a background in ski racing, currently or have been a member of a ski race team recently will get priority evaluations to our team.  Please note their past or current race status on the Contact Us form, i.e. what team they are currently on or recent past racing experience. 

 Please complete the "Contact Us" form found under the drop box "MORE". 

NEW as of January 17, 2025: The age requirement to join SWATeam has been changed to 7 years of age.

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Southeastern Wisconsin Alpine Team Racing, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization formed for charitable and educational purposes to teach amateur athletes in the sport of Alpine ski racing. One hundred percent [100%] of your donation is incorporated into our programs and helps SWATeam purchase equipment needed. Your donation to SWATeam is tax deductible.

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